Our History

Kho began his stretching journey through the Athletic Training Program at  Chapman University, where he worked with high-level athletes to make sure their bodies were ready for competition. Upon graduating and receiving his Athletic Training Certification, Kho continued his studies in Adapted Physical Activity at California State University Northridge (CSUN). There, he helped provide fitness programs for people with disabilities. Simultaneously,  he worked as an Injury Prevention Specialist at a large factory to implement wellness programs for company employees. It was during this time that he realized that stretching can benefit people from all backgrounds. Not only does it help keep athletes on the field, but it increases work productivity and most importantly, improves quality of life! Kho also realized the benefits of having an Athletic Trainer one-site. Employees could take time out of their day to get stretched and they didn't have to leave work. If only everyone could enjoy the benefits of stretch without leaving home or work....oh wait, now they can.

Explore our stretch programs


Tom Brady is the oldest starting quarterback in the NFL.  Additionally , he is arguably the best quarterback to play the game. A key ingredient to  his long-term success is health. Tom Brady has managed to stay relatively injury free during his career. He credits muscle pliability playing an important role in increasing performance and preventing injury […]


If muscle pliability can help keep elite athletes healthy for competition, it can definitely help prevent injuries in the workplace. Similar to how games have rules to protect athletes, traditional ergonomic programs serve to create a safe working environment. However, a safe working environment is just a start. You need a program that is going […]


Corebody Stretch aims to optimize  client activity and participation in athletics, work, and life. We carry out this mission  to all of our clients, including those with special needs. We  are experienced in  accommodating our services to assist the needs of each individual we work with. Stretch therapy brings physical, social, and emotional benefits that […]

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The Stretch Benefits

Maximize Recovery

If you workout, you know the feeling of  feeling sore and stiff afterwards. Stretching can help your body rebuild so you can stay on top of your game. Incorporate Corebody Stretch into your exercise routine to stay limber!


Reduce Stress

Stress can restrict blood flow, leading to tension in your muscles. Corebody Stretch aims to  stimulate the nervous system to decrease the production of stress hormones. Take a moment out of your day to relax your muscles and free your mind.

Regain Balance

Throughout the course of life, we pick up movement patterns that can throw our body  alignment off.  Many of us have a shoulder or hip that is elevated on one side. We can help even out your center of balance, allowing you to move efficiently!

Enhance Performace

Tight muscles can restrict movement and keep us from reaching our full potential . Whether you are looking for a competitive edge in your sport or to increase productivity at work, Corebody Stretch can help you achieve your goals!

Prevent Injury

Tight muscles can lead to injury. For example, tight pectoral (chest) muscles can rotate the shoulder blades forward, causing the rotator cuff to pinched between the humeral head and scapula. Increased flexibility can help create optimal movement in our joints!

Improve Posture

Good posture becomes harder to maintain as we spend more time in front of a screen. Many of us spend a lot of our day slouching, causing tension in the neck and lower back. Corebody Stretch can help reeducate your muscles in order to help you sit or stand straight again!